A - AS Module 3
Current and Electric Charge
- When
an electric current flows in a circuit, electric charge moves
around the circuit.
The bigger the current, the bigger the amount of charge which
passes each point in the circuit each second.
The longer the time that the current flows for, the bigger the
amount of charge which passes.
Coulomb (C)
- The
Coulomb is the unit of electric charge.
If a current of 1 Amp flows for 1 second, 1 Coulomb of electric
charge will pass.
If 2 A flows for 1 second, 2 C of charge will pass.
If 1 A flows for 3 seconds, 3 C of charge will pass.
If 2 A flows for 3 seconds, 6 C of charge will pass.
The relationship is:
= I x t
= current x time
Q is Electric Charge measured in Coulombs (C)
I is Electric Current measured in Amps (A)
t is time measured in seconds (s)
A simple way to express this is as follows
The triangle reveals the realtionship you want.
= Q/t
= Q/I
= I x t
Charge and Electric Current
Current is the rate of flow of electric charge.
= dQ/ dt
I is measured in Amperes (Amps).
Electric Charge Q is measured in Coulombs
The gradient of a graph of Q against t is the current I.
The area under a graph of I against t is the charge.

Electrical Potential Difference
Think of this as electrical potential ENERGY difference.
Potential Difference is the energy converted from Electrical Energy
per Coulomb of electrical charge which passes.
When 1 Coulomb of Electrical Charge moves through 12 V, 12 J of
energy are converted.
Potential Difference = Electrical Work Done / Charge Passed
= W/Q
OR W = Q x V
Power is the energy transferred in each second.
Electrical power is the electrical energy transferred each second.
Power= Energy Transferred ÷ Time Taken
P = E/ t
The Units of Power are Joules per Second ( J/s)
1 Joule per second is called a Watt (W)
1 J/s = 1 W
Energy Transferred = Charge x Voltage
E = Q x V
And so
Electrical Power = (Charge x Voltage)÷ Time Taken
P = (Q x V) / t
Charge / time taken = Electric Current
Q/t = I
And so the expression for Electrical Power becomes
Power = Current x Voltage
P = I x V